
Is Mercury Retrograde Now?

This alignment actually marks the beginning of a new cycle regarding travel, solo exploration, and self-discovery potentially involving spirituality or education. On Wednesday, April 19, eclipse season begins with the first eclipse in Aries since 2015—so believe it or not, this self-discovery journey is just beginning. There’s momentum flowing toward you like never before, so soak it up. During a Mercury retrograde period, it’s important to be extremely careful with our language. Triple-check every text, email, and DM, and take the time to carefully explain your intentions.

If you think turning to crystals seems rather niche, that’s not the case anymore. Crystals are going mainstream with Fast Company reporting a 40 percent increase in Google searches for “healing crystals” in the last few years. Personally, I have quite a few crystals, and I even take them with me when I travel. You really have nothing to lose by trying crystals, and these are the best crystals to protect you during Mercury retrograde. “It also activates self-love and will show us if we are in an unhealthy relationship.” The retrograde is up to no good, and in terms of your love life, you might as well curl up with a good book rather than get into anything too special with another person.

Astrologers Reveal How Mercury Retrograde Affects Relationships

You don’t like this Mercury retrograde season at all, as it, once again, messes up your communication to such a degree that you might even consider not speaking for the duration of the transit. One way that the Mercury retrograde is going to affect your relationship is in the idea that you’re about to radically change your looks, and that could go any number of ways. It’s only three weeks, but for the duration, you’ll be mourning the breakups of just about every relationship you’ve been in, and that won’t be the greatest vibe to live with for the person you are present with.

Mercury post-retrograde shadow:

“Earth signs can get stuck kind of overthinking and overanalyzing,” the twins say. Because of this, they can find themselves in the weeds, losing sight of the bigger picture. Fire signs are already known to be fast-moving and impatient, the twins note, so they need to slow down and really think before they speak. “They can already be a bit blunt. Plus, rushing through the details of things is not advised, because they can miss critical information,” the twins say.

Gen Z Is Rejecting “Big Astrology” and Zodiac Sign Compatibility

You could find yourself traveling for work or study, potentially going the distance to get work done in a new place that stimulates your mind. Regardless, expect to be out and about, and stay inquisitive and friendly as you journey, for there are plenty of opportunities for enlightening conversations that could shift your perspective in positive ways. On Wednesday, April 7, a full moon in Libra lights up your seventh house of partnerships, relationships, and companions. This lunation is important as it’s the last full moon in Libra that isn’t an eclipse until 2025, meaning powerful new cycles are starting in this area of life, and this time will give you a glimpse into what’s in store.

You stand to get caught up in the world of old memories and past relationships, during the Mercury retrograde of September ’22. This is typical of the transit, and it usually hits the most sensitive of the signs, which means YOU, Cancer. ICYMI, Mercury retrograde starts on October 13th and lasts until November 3rd.

By giving back all of the sentimental things you’ve acquired during your relationship and their personal affectations, you’re reminding them of the past, which will bring chills down their spine and bring a tear to their eye. Lisa Stardust is a New York City-based astrologer who is known for her pop culture horoscopes. Stardust acts as a guide for clients to help navigate them through finances, relationships, and other important facets of life. She is the author of Saturn Return Survival Guide and The Astrology Deck. Mars—planet of action—is pumping you up as it continues to move through your first house of identity. The powerful and transformative Pluto will be granting its energy to Venus around the same time so expect your affection for your loved ones to grow, grow, grow.

(This fifth house also rules pregnancy and fertility, spelling luck for some.) In general, this is an amazing rebirth moment that should be celebrated, perhaps by taking a trip or planning one. You could be interested in visiting family, ancestral lands, cultural lands related to heritage, or even potentially creating art that celebrates your identity. A solar eclipse in Aries on Wednesday, April 19, underscores these themes and also kicks off eclipse season. It’s the first eclipse in Aries since 2015 and it begins a new 1.5 year cycle around your relationship to sexuality, creativity, and pleasure. On Wednesday, April 5, a full moon in Libra takes place in your twelfth house of solitude, retreat, and mental health. This spotlight on wellness might lead to a desire to pull away and get out of town.

It’s a great time for travel related to art or creative endeavors, entertainment, or with children. With Mercury spending such a long time in this area of your life, you could be working on a creative project for an extended period of time as well. On Tuesday, April 11, the Sun and Jupiter form an exact alignment in Aries, your eleventh house of friends, collaborators, and community. This is a special time to meet new people and form connections that could be especially impactful.

Separating from the sun, Mercury continues its retrograde cycle until it stations direct and appears to slowly move forward once again; eventually, Mercury re-emerges in the sky at dawn as the triumphant morning star. Mercury retrograde relationships aside, This here’s how to deal with Mercury retroshade, the hangover of retrograde. And before you jump into bed with someone, here’s an astrologer’s sex tips, based on your Mars sign. Mercury Is Retrograde In Libra, Which Means It’s A Beautiful Time To Apologize.

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